Raising Bilingual Kids

Raising Bilingual Kids:

There are a few methods that proved to be very effective in raising a bilingual child:
Family – many experts recommend “one-parent-one-language” method.

Parents should insist on using a certain language, a child will soon start understanding a difference between a “mommy’s” and “daddy’s” language and answer accordingly.

Time and place approach – this method can be applied in different contexts and situations. Parents can speak one language at home and another one while visiting friends, relatives or in the kindergarden.

”Home language” – in this scenario, only one language is spoken at home consistently and another one is spoken everywhere else. This method has many advantages as the whole family can speak one language. It allows a child to practice more and to speak more often.

Raising a bilingual child is a challenge no matter what method parents decide to follow.
It still requires a lot of patience and work. It is important to be consistent and persevere in your efforts and it will definitely pay off in the future!